Volume I: Sacred Inspirations
This CD focuses on music inspired by the sacred, whether it be from sacred hymns, chants, spirituals or chorales; sacred poetry; sacred stories; prayer; or our own relationship with the church.
Track List:
Pinnae Ventorum (2003); Hilary Tann
Embertides (2014); Hilary Tann
Advent (Winter)
Lenten (Spring)
Whit (Summer)
Michaelmas (Autumn)
Concertina on Psalm 42 (Freu dich sehr) (2016); Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra
Doxology (2011); Regina Harris Baiocchi
Visions of Ezekiel: The Wheels in the Fire; Emily Maxson Porter
March to Glory: Draw Me Nearer (2014); Carol Barnett
Exodus (2006); Sharon J. Willis
I. Chronicles: Passacaglia
II. Communion: Rite of Fellowship
III. Celebration: Juba
Agora: Suite for Organ (2006); Sharon J. Willis
I. Aurelia in A Major: the Hymn
II. Great Day in G Major: the Spiritual
III. O Happy Day in C Major: the Gospel
Beside the Still Waters (2014); Gwyneth Walker
Toccata: I Believe in One God (Credo III) (2016); Mary Beth Bennett
List of Composers and Their Websites:
Regina Harris Baiocchi - www.ReginaHarrisBaiocchi.com
Carol Barnett - www.carolbarnett.net
Mary Beth Bennett - www.marybethbennett.com
Emily Maxson Porter - www.emilymaxsonporter.com
Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra - www.pamelaruiterfeenstra.com
Hilary Tann - www.hilarytann.com
Gwyneth Walker - www.gwynethwalker.com
Sharon J. Willis - www.wsharokeemusicpublishing.com